Monday, August 31, 2009

Diabollos in the Press

I recieved a "devil’s advocate" perspective from someone I love and admire. I started to respond to that perspective and decided to just "blog" it, without revealing the source or directly involving that person. I think that person would appreciate it ;-)

Note in a previous post that I state that I believe that SPLC was started for honorable reasons and I say now that they probably perform honorable and valuable services still. I don't know. But I do know that their "Hatewatch" website is morally corrupted and dishonest, whatever the honor and valor their original intent may contain. I don't believe that the ends justify the means. Neither does God.

MSNBC is so corrupted that they should lose their FCC license. I truly believe that they are performing the equivalent task to crying "fire" in a crowded theatre, hoping that their cameras will be in place to catch the debauchery and chaos when people start trying to get out. Freedom always comes with a price. Freedom of the press means a freedom to disagree and criticize the government. I does not give them a right to lie. I realize that there is a lot of grey area here, but this issue is as clear as can be (I was going to say "black and white", but it seemed particularly ill-advised for the topic of this blog post).

I am concerned not for juvenile cheerleading for one side and demonizing the other, but rather calling out unacceptable behavior anywhere that I find it. If racism is bad, then it is bad for everyone. If racism is harming people somewhere, and your cause d’etre is to root out racism, then you actually HURT your cause if you cry “wolf”, when there are none present.

I also question whether “racism” really means the same thing that it used to mean. To me racism is where people are robbed of their God-given rights by others, due to nothing other than their ethnic identity. I don’t think it applies to picturing someone of a particular identity in your head for a stereotype. I am a white, WASP guy, and I have a lot of stereotypical habits and behaviors of such a guy. It is not racism to notice this, point it out and even to make fun of it. Our pop culture makes a living doing this. It is also not racism to notice, point out and make fun of other stereotypes. It is human nature to classify people. Our brains are simply incapable of NOT doing that.

Of course, I also think that derogatory humor to any individual or group is disrespectful, rude, very un-Christ-like, and unacceptable…and can be racism if taken too far. Anytime someone is derided and de-humanized it is morally wrong to do so as it is engaging in the sin of Pride, which is the father of all sins.

I also think that our brains are capable of separating the distinction of group tendencies and individuals that stand out from a group. In fact, that is the next refining step in how our brains classify things so that we can process. Our brains classify a particular person into a larger group for general and then starts to notice the differences between that global stereotype and the individual before us. This is no different that the entire classification system of plants and animals. You know, Kingdom, Phyla, whatever, whatever, Genus, Species, and all that business. It is a short-hand way of processing information. There is nothing wrong with that and it doesn’t need to be irradicated from our universe. It’s just the way people think.

I think there is an entire industry of people that Dinesh D’Souza, in his book "The End of Racism", refers to as “Race Merchants”, that keep the spectre of racism alive in the minority communities in order to stir them up into a frenzy to make them easier to manipulate. I will not try to argue that discrimination and racism don’t exist, but I think there is an entrenched lobby of people in politics whose vested interest in our society is to never let racism die. They don’t want King’s Dream to come true. They don’t want people to focus solely on the content of their character, because if they did, they would stop reminding us and everyone else the color of everyone’s skin.

I honestly don’t care what anyone’s skin color is, but I care very deeply about what is in their heart. I am culturally discerning. I think there is an objective truth about how the world works, and how it doesn’t work, and I think the evidence so plentiful that the opposition to my beliefs fairly stumbles upon it laying everywhere. I believe that objective truth is covered so deeply and comprehensively in the Bible. I also believe that the founders of this country tapped into it better than anyone has ever done in the history of mankind.

It is not racist to disagree with someone on a philosophical or political point, simply because your ethnicities differ from one another. It is not racist to think that Socialism is a failed and un-Godly belief system. It is not racist to disagree with Barak Obama. It is not racist to think that people shouldn't be given mortgages that they can't pay back. It is not racist to be resentful that our politicians are bailing out companies that should have been let fail. It is not racist to be alarmed at how much money is being spent, or to be afraid of the consequences of the government taking over private corporations, breaking private party contracts, setting up snitch email addresses for citizens to tattletale on their neighbors, trying to access private citizen's bank accounts or raise taxes too high.

This is just common sense, even of the Thomas Paine variety.

Our country was conceived in liberty. It is the only one on earth founded that way. I've made this point before, and I'll make it again. On the mother of all political spectrums, there is a continuum upon which the USA stands alone on one extreme side, and every single other form of government ever devised by man is on the other side of the scale. All of them.

Racism is being used right now for despicable purposes by "accusers", or "diabollos" in Greek. This is the very word for "devil". If capitalize the word, we talk about the Father of Lies, the Devil himself. Satan.

Bearing false witness against your neighbor, was not placed last on the list of Ten Commandments because it wasn't important. It causes terrible damage to a person's reputation and ability to function in polite society.

This behavior by the political left is an attempt to keep me quiet, or pay a hefty social price for opposing their agenda. It is intimidation, 101.

I am angry about it. I am justifiably and righteously angry about it, and I think everyone should be as well.

Less Berserk, but still concerned...

Check this out. And for a better coverage on local news, here.

This was on Fox News' "The Fox Nation", website, and blogroll. Right here in Tucson, an Hispanic man promoting Obama's healthcare reform, interrupts a Tucson Teaparty townhall of their own and, when confronted, he elbows one of the Tea Party members in the face. This man was escorted out by police and then interviewed. He claimed that the hall was filled with "angry white people".

This is part of the leftist strategy to blame everything on the "angry white people". If you disagree with the current President, or Congress in any way, you are labeled a racist and a hatemonger.

I am going to Gabby Giffords' townhall meeting tomorrow. I sure hope this guy doesn't show up with his friends looking for trouble. There are going to be a lot of Tea Party types at this townhall and a lot of concerned citizens.

Does anyone else see this and tremble, as I do? I've read about stuff like this going on in history books, but this is live. I pray for peace and sanity amongst all of those involved.

Update: Channel 13 took a much less sensationalistic approach and didn't even mention the incident. I think this was much more responsible and fair to the Tea Party group. I wonder why they never mentioned the elbow incident? Draw your own conclusions. I am still scratching my head on that one.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Berserk, Part II

I ran into this link and a whole new world has been opened to my eyes.

Check it out. It is a watch group for "haters", apparently like me. It is run by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Like all liberal groups it seems to have started innocently enough, but they have been radicalized to a fever pitch and are resorting to the same sort of stuff that sent me over the edge in the last post.

Well, they are claiming in this article that the whole incident with the AR-15 rifle was staged by a right wing hatemonger racist and then proceeds to link together, with innuendo and breathy statements; Ernie Hancock, The Arizona Viper Militia, William Kostric from New Hampshire (the guy who was on Chris Matthews' show and showed up at a NH Obama event with a pistol on his hip), Timothy McVeigh (yes, the OK bomber), and Randy Weaver.

Now there may be some truth to some associations here, but keep in mind, not once did they mention that the guy with the rifle was black, and they spent an aweful lot of publishing "inches" herding the cattle towards the "racist" conclusion for the whole lot of protesters. The little tidbit about the black protester doesn't fit that narrative, so they leave it out. I'm not arguing that this stunt wasn't staged or that the guys involved are a little 'fringy' when it comes to guns. But they cannot be racists or white supremicists when a black man is the one carrying the rifle.

Here is some of the actual interview. And here is an actual article that reports some facts. Note that this guy is part of several anti-government groups that critics claim are racist, but he has never felt unwelcome. Hmm. Racists that don't care that he's black? Maybe their not racist? Maybe they are gun nuts. Maybe they are anti-government, but, by definition, they are not racist.

The SPLC website insinuates racism in every article about the Minutemen on their webpage too. Including this article about two hispanic men, one of them a Minute Man, arguing about the proper tactics for solving the illegal immigrant problem in this country. How can an issue where native hispanics are on the side of secure borders and a sane immigrant policy and members of the Minutemen, be an issue about race?

Indeed. How can an issue about the Second Amendment to the United States be about race? How can an opposition to Socialism be about race? Why is it that ANY disagreement with a Democrat these days means that you are a racist?

This is shouting down the opposition, straight up. There is no question that there is a concerted effort on the part of leftwing groups to shout down and intimidate people by calling them racist and anything else they think will stick. What they are doing is just fanning the flames. Reporting the truth will have a way of weeding the radicals out. We live in a conservative country. People don't particularly like radicals of any stripe and by reporting incidents dishonestly, they press has no credibility whatsoever, which makes people cynical and easy prey for propaganda.

Now, i could write some conspiracy theory on that one too!

Chris B. was a gun-rights enthusiast that wanted to bring his issue, front and center and get attention. We can argue whether he made a good decision or not. We can argue about how comfortable or how worried we are about people carrying guns openly in Arizona. But we cannot call Chris B. a white supremiscist racist or consider him part of any such group. And we cannot intelligently discuss this incident with the information that the mainstream press gave us and we cannot have anything resembling intelligent conversation by calling everyone that disagrees with Barak Obama and the Democrats racists.

There is no there, there. I understand the politically driven leftist groups like SPLC will always distort things to make their points, but MSNBC, CNN, and all of the others have no excuse. Why did all of the salient information only come a week or two later from AZ Why isn't this in the mainstream?

Maybe more on this one...

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I haven't written in a few weeks because of some rumblings in my head. But I saw this and went berserk.

Tell me I am not driving off of the cliff. This may be the most blatant propaganda I have ever seen in this country in my life. It is unbelievable. I never would have thought that I would see this. It is the stuff of Hollywood fiction or from fascist countries, not America; not my country. This is like the Gleiwitz Incident that the Nazis used as a pretense to invade Poland. This demonization of one’s political enemies is hard to call anything but evil. No good can come of it and the people involved are despicable.

Luckily, there were other new organizations that filmed it and, because of YouTube, email, blogs and the internet we can decipher the truth. But what about in the near future as technology gets better? Will the powers that be find a way of controlling the airwaves in America so that we only see the kind of stuff that MSNBC puts out in this hit-piece?

Follow the link to AZ Central web page for the original story for more complete footage of our rifle-bearer.

Notice the MSNBC focus on only the rifle and pistol, carefully avoiding any glimpse of the man’s skin or face. Then they flash to a completely different guy (a white guy), wearing a similar colored shirt, with the full frontal shot, giving the impression that the guy with the rifle and the guy talking to the reporter is the same guy (it is not). Then they use this entire segment to talk about how people in America are angry that we have a black President, and about white supremicists and how these protest groups are generated by hate groups. This is classic bait and switch of street magicians, Herman Goebels and Josef Stalin. Scary stuff.

Now let's draw some imaginary lines between some things that have happened recently and see if we have the makings of a conspiracy theory;

1. Now imagine the White House is making a call to the producer to "suggest" such a piece.

2. Imagine the party with a super majority offering to bail-out the failing leftwing newspapers and declining news outlets.

3. Imagine that news outlet is owned by a couple of left-leaning mega-corporations like GE and Microsoft.

4. Imagine that at least one of these corporation stands to make billions of dollars in a massive Cap and Trade bill just passed by Congress (GE).

5. Imagine an enthusiastic cooperation between the makers of the news and the reporters of the news (here, here, here to wretch and here to get a summary and perspective) to promote and support their grab of power and make it all seem like sunshine and apple pie.

How far off am I? I have never been a fan of conspiracies, but this is happening in front of us. I don’t necessarily think it is as sinister as I am alluding to, but it looks really bad and sets the stage for someone to do it later if no one stops it. Am I crazy? At the very least, the brazen appearance of impropriety should make people blush, should it not?

If this was all, I would agree that I am probably crazy. But add to that the unbelievable decision to have the government own two of the three auto makers and bail out major banks and own them and then pass a stimulus bill, flirt with cap and trade and then push a health care agenda, all while the economy is reeling, makes one check one's head at the door does it not? Am I awake? Is this really the America I grew up in? Then you add the White House snitch line, the emailing "corrections to misleading stories" to people than never registered to the White House page (were they on a "list" acquired by the snitch line?), and Napolitano's profiling of radicals that includes pretty much 90% of the GOP and you have the makings of a HUGE conspiracy theory that we are supposed to ignore?

I urge any of you to actually read the bills that our elected officials can't or won't and then convince me that I am wrong.

Have any of you read any part of the HR 3200 bill? If you read ANY part of it you will start down the road I am on right now in a hurry. There are parts of that bill that give the Federal government the right to go into your bank account at any time of their choosing for their purposes.

Check this link out if you want to read some of it in summary form.

Click here to read the actual bill in its original if you don’t believe what you read in my previous link (you won’t), and then see that it is a true and accurate representation of what’s there (it is).
Talk me down. Pull me back from the ledge…or hold my hand and let’s all jump together…

My buddy shared with me this Viktor Frankl quote, which I love;

"We have come to know man as he really is. After all, man is that being who
invented the gas chambers of Auschwitz; however, he is also that being who
entered those gas chambers upright, with the
Lord's prayer or the Shema
on his lips."
I believe in the extraordinary evil that ordinary people are capable of, and I believe that in the extraordinary good that the least of us are capable of and all in between. I believe that putting power into people's hands is a temptation to evil that many cannot resist and our only defense is not to limit the number of people that have power in our society but rather limit the amount of power any one person or group of people can have.

The size of government must shrink. Depending upon which political party is in control when the music stops and the dictator is here, some of us will be looking for the door. We are all designing our own gas chamber now. I, for one do not want the choice between the designer and the angelic grace of those singing praises to God while being gassed. I want to sing angelic praises to God in a free country and leave the same freedom to my children.