Monday, January 4, 2010

Remote e-mail posting, Reading List

I am a little slow to learn new twists on the technology, but this is my first post coming from email, instead of logging onto the blog host directly.  I think this may give me better choices on editing tools, so I may do this type of post from now on. 

In other news, for my reading, I am bouncing between several books at the moment;

1.  "The Federalist Papers" - Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay
2.  "How Should We Then Live?" - Dr. Francis Schaeffer
3.  "The Coming Insurrection" - anonymous
4.  "Rules for Radicals" - Saul Alinsky

The greatest contrast in the reading, and this contrast is stark, is responsibility.  Perhaps another word that has been misused and abused over time.  In selections 3 and 4, there is none.  The people have no responsibility for themselves, other than to protest and agitate for revolution because the big mean established governments are corrupt and a failure.  In selections 1 and 2, the offer is freedom, and the price is personal responsibility.  For #1 it is physical, and for #2 spiritual.

I get the distinct impression from 3 and 4 that these people are spoiled children throwing a tantrum at the realization that they are now 18 and no longer receiving checks from daddy.  They are used to being taken care of and expect it to continue and the thinking really doesn't go any deeper than that.  They want what they want and they don't care what must be destroyed to get it.  The problem is that what they want is impossible to achieve by mortal man.  They want enacted, immediately, a utopian vision of the world, where everyone gets along and loves one another and no one has to do without.  They want to set up paradise on earth and are willing to destroy anyone and anything to get it.  I know.  i know.  That last sentence seems to contradict with the one prior to it.

That's the problem.  No disagrees that things shouldn't be better.  Things can always be better.  The problem is that socialists have this childish and boorish expectation that things should be perfect, worry-free, and comfortable for everyone, all the time, right now.  And if it isn't, there is some evil afoot and some rich guy is raking us lesser types across the coals to steal our prosperity for his gain.

No one other than the Father of Lies, could have concocted such a perfect lie to sell to the desparate, prideful, and disenchanted of this world. 

I don't think modern politicians of the conservative, Republican, or even the libertarians understand the depth of this problem and how deeply rooted into the psyche it is.  We need some serious root-killer, and fast.


  1. As I begin the "5000 Year Leap" I am finishing up "Lucifer's Hammer." The first 200 pages are pretty boring, but the last 400 are a doozy, kind of like the latest "King Kong" movie. Nice fictionalized references to your commie author-types and how they end up eating each other (literally). I betcha this book was a major inspiration for the new movie "The Road" which I have not yet seen. At some point, Americans will move from tolerating Socialists, to having contempt, to saying enough's enough. I certainly won't pay tuition for my kids to be indoctrinated by them. Unlike the parents of many of our current politicians...

  2. That's an insightful contrast between the top two and the bottom two.
